Dear Savitur,
Here is the story for you, Son !!! You can actually get the complete story from many other sources, here is the sketch I want you to know.
"Drona - also known as Dronacharya (Drona = Name of a Mountain, Acharya = Guru) was a sage during Dwaparyug (Time of Lord Krishna). He had only one son named "Ashwathama". 3 incidents are very much important in story of Drona.
1. When Ashwathama was kid - Drona was a poor sage and it was hard for his family to even cope up with daily food. Ashwathama just like any other kid wanted to taste milk. But there was no milk in house, so his mother gave him wheat flour mixed with water. Little kid drank it and told his friends that he too has tasted milk. His friends also tasted what he has tasted, laughed at his innocence and made fun of him. While this episode was happening Drona - the most learned sage heard and felt shame. He was shameful to his soul, on being so learned and still not even able to cope and manage the basic needs for his own son.
2. Drona receives Divine Weapons in alms from Guru Parshuram - After above incident, One day Drona hears about Guru Parshuram who was donating all he had after a yagna. By the time Drona reaches, Parshuram had already donated all he had in worldly possessions. Drona asks for divine weapons, Guru Parshuram agrees & donates the knowledge of Divine Weapons to Drona in alms. Instead of returning back home, he travels to capital city of Hastinapur wherein he is appointed as teacher for all the royal kins named Kaurava (100 sons of King Dhritrashtra) and Pandavas (5 Sons of King Pandu) by Elder Bhishma.
With the appointment Drone became the Royal Teacher (paid by kingdom) and in due course wins over King Drupad and takes away half of his kingdom (that's another story, I will write some time later). His poverty is vanished, his son and family is happy, however Drona's growth as sage took a full stop.
Savitur, In that era, the sage who takes the job of a paid teacher in service was not treated with equivalent respect and his eligibility to become Brahma-Rishi (the Divine Sage - highest rank) was considered to be lost.
Drona was fully aware of it, however he accepted the job and became paid servant only to bring happiness to his son, to fulfill his son's desire to feed on milk.
3. Drona dies in battle field: During the final war (Mahabharat), Drona was made the General of Kaurav's Army. It became impossible to kill him, that is when Yudhishtra (The eldest Pandav - who never lied) tells a half truth sentence that 'Ashwathma is dead'. On hearing Drona's heart fills with remorse, his bow fells down and he quietly sits down in his chariot. He sits in Samadhi, thinking
'all my life, I lived for my son, I myself do not know how many sins I have committed to be happy with my son, today 'coz of all those sins, my son is no more' "Oh Lord !!! Why should I continue to live ?" Watching him disarmed, Dhrishtidhyumna (General of Pandav's Army) beheads Drona with his sword. However, he sliced already dead Drona, who left for heavenly abode thinking to meet his son.
Drona, lived his life for his son, he even dies for his son, thinking he would meet him in heaven. Story of Mahabharat tells us later that, Ashwathma was cursed by Lord Krishna to live till eternity. Thus separating father from his son for all eternity.
This is the first story I wanted you to know. You should visualize it from perspective of father. The love of a father towards his son, propels him to even agree to the jobs he never wanted to do. The love of father towards his son, which propels him to even accept alms from his peer.
This is the story of a father who lived and died in love of his son.
This is the story of love.