This happened, after I completed the full read of "Bhagwad Gita" in my 3rd attempt. I asked lord - "If this world is not real, then Is it all lies ?"
HE smiled and said,"Well, my son, not the part that matters"
So dear Savitur, remember, though you may also doubt it some of the times, all the glory of the lord, where ever it matters is REAL, else it's all worldly myth... :).
मैंने पुछा भगवान् से, "हे भगवन, अगर ये संसार माया है, तो क्या ये सब मिथ्या है, झूठ है ?"
भगवान मुस्कुराये, और बोले," हे पुत्र, बस जितना जरूरी है, उतना ही सत्य है "