Monday, November 14, 2011


Dear Savitur,

Today on Nov 14, 2011 - Children's Day, Here is another gift to you

A Label "Stories". This label will have all the stories and the moral/learning from the story I want to convey to you. Most of these stories will have direct link to Hindu Mythical Stories, the inference and learning are mine. These stories should guide in the hour of need.

As you will grow you will yourself know the art of comprehension and thereby you will conclusively be able to eye the correct meaning of the story or the passage in front of ...a bit of honing the skill you will be able to comprehend people. On continuing further on the art of comprehension you will soon excel in knowing the lord and his creation.

सृष्टा औ उसकी सृष्टि दोनों ही तुम्हारे समक्ष होंगे, तुमको बस उनको पहचान लेना होगा, अगर ये कर पाए तो महादेव स्वयं तुम्हारे साथ होंगे.

याद रखना की महादेव काशी को भले ही अपने त्रिशूल पर धारण करते हो, वो स्वयं अपने भक्त के ह्रदय में रहते हैं

Creator and Creation both will be in front of you, The need will be to recognize both of them, If you were able to do so, Lord Mahadev (Shiva) will always be with you.

Remember: Kashi (Varanasi, UP) may be on Lord Shiva's Trishul, He Himself resides in the heart of his disciple.

Enjoy your gift Son !!!

You have already received the Chandamama - Art Work Vol 1 and 2 this week and  a year long subscription for Chandamama magzine. I know I have to read it to you as of now and for next few months and I also know both me and you are gonna enjoy these interesting times.

With Lots of Hugs and Kisses

Monday, October 31, 2011


Just like any other kid of your age - your favorite cartoons are Shinchan, Doremon, and now you smile at Tom & Jerry....

Just unlike most other kids you want me to sit along side and watch the series :)

and Just unlike most other dads, I sit with you and watch the series.


Monday, September 12, 2011


Dear Savitur,

This is the schedule every week day morning....

7:30 AM (in the bedroom)
Savitur: Papa, Today is holiday ...right ? (पापा, आज छुट्टी है न ?)
Me: (yep) !!! let's sleep more....(हाँ, सो जायो) :)

9:00 AM (in the living room) - We both are dressed up - Savitur for School and Myself for Office - Sad Mood
Savitur: Papa, I do not want to go to school (पापा, मैं स्कूल नहीं जाना चाहता )
Me: Son, I also do not want to go to office (बेटा, मैं भी ऑफिस नहीं जाना चाहता :( )

We both are kicked out of house by your Mom...

9:10 AM (at school)
Savitur: पापा, मम्मा अच्छी नहीं है, मुझे, नींद आ रही है, मुझे घर जाना है (Papa, Momma is not good !!! I am feeling sleepy. I want to go home....)
Me: हाँ, मुझे भी नींद आ रही है, गर्रर !!!!   (Yep, I am also feeling sleepy...Grrrr !!!! )

9:30 AM (me at office)
Me:  हे भगवन, मुझे नींद आ रही है, मुझे घर जाना है गर्रर !!!!( Oh Lord....I am feeling sleepy, I want to go home Grrr !!!!)
Lord: हाँ, मुझे भी नींद आ रही है, गर्रर !!!! (Yep, I am also feeling sleepy....Grrrr !!!!)

This world truly will never understand you and me...Actually speaking it's your Mom, who is ensuring that you become literate and I remain in job :) so be thankful to her.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Story Telling

Dear Savitur,

The art of story telling is the very first capability you showcased and kept enhancing each night. I remember your progression each night, as you started following up the stories. You were around a year &  half old, when your eyes began to show glow, with the story line.

Stories for you were simple, as you started to add to the story - almost every story started as follows:

Me: एक बार एक छोटा बेबी होता है. कितना छोटा बेबी होता है ?
You: बहुत छोटा

Me : उस छोटा बेबी के एक छोटा पापा होते है. कितना छोटा पापा होता है ?
You : बहुत छोटा

Me : उस छोटा बेबी के एक छोटी मम्मा  होती  है. कितना छोटी मम्मा होती है ?
You : बहुत छोटी

and the story continues, to talk about bed, the sleeping room and many many other continue to listen and answer to all the queries about "what you did in the morning and in the afternoon". Each story use to become a real new one, with alternate characters, the plot and climax...Many times we never reached the climax, 'coz you slept in between.

As you grew to 3 Year young and start going to school, you started changing the story line with your own unpredictable inputs. बहुत छोटा use to convert to बहुत बड़ा at your will, followed by giggle...

Your Mom use to amaze at times on your imagination and choice of words.

As of now. Stories do start as they use to every night since last 2 years, however your answers are now unpredictable.

Me: एक बार एक छोटा बेबी होता है. कितना छोटा बेबी होता है ?
You: बहुत बला 

Me : उस छोटा बेबी के एक छोटा पापा होते है. कितना छोटा पापा होता है ?
You : बहुत छोटा

Me : उस छोटा बेबी के एक छोटी मम्मा  होती  है. कितना छोटी मम्मा होती है ?
You : बहुत बली

Anyhow !!! You are young and you have fantastic memory with the amazing will to narrate story. You are fond of "Doremon", "Shinchan" and the character - Action Kamain with his Action Beam. :)

You can recite Gayatri Mantra and repeat any Sanskrit Mantra after me - word by word. I know even Lord Himself might be smiling as they listen these Mantras coming in fumbling, mixed up (- तुतलाती जुबां ) lingo.

You learn to count to 20 already starting from Zero - which is different from most kids of your age, who count from 1.

so son this is a brief bio-graph about you at the age of around 3 Year and 4 months. 

Always remember to is infectious...and whenever you feel the need of somebody around you - respire...with each incoming breath of air, you will find ME and My Lord himself near you.

Only Yours forever.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Dear Savitur, 

You have already mastered the art of sentiyapa. 


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is it all lies ?


This happened, after I completed the full read of "Bhagwad Gita" in my 3rd attempt.  I asked lord - "If this world is not real, then Is it all lies ?"
HE smiled and said,"Well, my son, not the part that matters"

So dear Savitur, remember, though you may also doubt it some of the times, all the glory of the lord, where ever it matters is REAL, else it's all worldly myth... :). 

मैंने पुछा भगवान् से, "हे भगवन, अगर ये संसार माया है, तो क्या ये सब मिथ्या है, झूठ है ?"
भगवान मुस्कुराये, और बोले," हे पुत्र, बस जितना जरूरी है, उतना ही सत्य है "

Introducing Label Hirdu

My Dear Savitur,

Here are some of the straight answers which your father (Hirdu) found as he moved on in his life. These answers will be spread through out the blog with the label - "Hirdu". I know, these will serve the purpose as they are needed. For some of these, you may go into spiral of introspection, while some will pull you out from any spiraling vicious cycle.

As you go through this label, try to free yourself from all prejudice and always know that It's only you, whom I loved and for whom I learned to love.

Anyhow next post will be the first answer for the label. :)