Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Savitur 2010


I wanted to say a lot today...but as usual, I am short of words..Two years back in 2008, You were born and brought newer joy and wonderful delight to our lives. You have already started running and you speak. You are a fast learner :)

Happy Birthday Savitur
May Lord Bless You
Enjoy the Joy

I still remember the touch and feel, when doctor handed you in my hands as you were born in the labor-room...She said, "hold him...He is you"....You started the first minute on earth in my hands...I was elated, to hold the most precious living joy in my hands.

I spent the whole night smiling with tears of joy in my eyes.

Thursday, April 1, 2010



If you are reading this post, it implies that you have already reached an age, where you can read and comprehend what is written.

The purpose of this blog is to exist for you and for you only. The posts written on this blog are for you to understand the world as I saw. Some of these post will serve as lighthouse to guide you or they will at-least show you, your Dad's point of view.

I want you to know that, it's only you whom I have loved the most.

Remember: There is only one thing which is real in life...- "The Joy"

So my son,
no matter how rainy is the day, look for the rainbow
no matter how vast is the ocean, look at the horizon

Learn to "Enjoy the Joy"

All the very best...May Lord bless you with all the happiness.

your dad
Hirdesh kumar Gupta.
April 01, 2010